Susan Janikowski
Susan Janikowski
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Location details:
Fulham Osteopaths, SW6 and The Refinery, E9
More about me:
My passion is women’s healthcare using using a combination of massage, reflexology and herbal medicine. In particular my practice focuses on women’s reproductive health, including menstrual health, natural fertility, pregnancy, post-natal care and menopause. I also provide support for single women and couples undergoing all types of assisted fertility cycles, including IUI, IVF, ICSI or donor egg cycles. The therapies I offer can be used as stand alone treatments or integrated to create a very comprehensive treatment. During pregnancy and post-partum I offer Arvigo®Therapy,Post Natal Recovery Massage (Closing Bones on the massage couch) maternity reflexology, and herbs if indicated. While I specialise in women’s health I also support male partners with their health concerns relating to fertility.
If you have arrived at this site you will be most likely be interested in the postnatal work I do. The postnatal period is the time when women most need support and nuturing. The Post Natal Recovery Massage is the perfect way to give this to a woman. This work uses wonderful techniques to assist your uterus and body, both physically and energetically, to return to health. This can also be combined with Arvigo®Therapy and reflexology.
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