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workshop dates and locations

Closing the bones, Deeper into closing the bones and Postnatal Recovery massage workshop dates


We offer three different types of workshop: closing the bonesDeeper into Closing the bones (which builds onto the technique learnt in the first workshop) and Postnatal Recovery Massage which is a massage table technique inspired by closing the bones.

We also offer an online course.

The closing the bones workshops are facilitated by either Sophie or Japjeet, or Sophie and Teddy together for the postnatal recovery massage. Please see the course facilitator page for details of each tutor, and what courses they offer.

Japjeet travels around the country, so if you have a venue, can organise a group of at least 8 and would like to bring Closing the Bones to your community, why not get in touch.

Booking a workshop: You can book by clicking on the workshop links below

Live Workshops

Online courses and Workshops

Sophie has an online postnatal rebozo massage and closing ritual course. She also offers an online course to learn rebozo techniques for an easier birth . Sophie also has self massage workshop recordings available.

Japjeet is running live online rebozo self massage workshops circles, see

yoga studio

Comments from previous attendees of the workshop: see

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