workshop facilitators
Sophie Messager
Sophie gained her PhD in Physiology of Reproduction in Paris, France, prior to moving to the UK in 1997 and embarking on a 20 years biology research career in the academic and biotechnology sectors. Whilst pregnant with her first child in 2005 she hired a doula. This led her to have a very positive birth experience, followed by a complete professional reconversion. She left her scientific career behind in 2012 to focus on her new passion, supporting families through the transition to parenthood with a blend of informational, emotional and practical support, so that they can make the right decisions for them. Sophie is a birth and postnatal doula, doula mentor, doula course facilitator, antenatal educator, babywearing instructor and healer. She runs a range of workshops for birthworkers (Closing the bones, Rebozo and Reiki), helping them to support women and their partners through their pregnancy, birth and postnatal period with a unique blend of traditional and scientific knowledge.
Find out more about Sophie on her website
Sophie facilitates the Closing the Bones, Deeper into Closing the bones, and Postnatal Recovery Massage workshops
Japjeet Rajbir Kaur Khalsa
Dr. Japjeet Rajbir Kaur Khalsa (before becoming a Sikh she was known as Dr. Nele Bemong) gained her PhD in 19th-century literary studies and worked in academia (at KULeuven in Belgium and Penn University in Philadelphia, USA) for over a decade, before she left her academic career in 2011 to embark on a life focussed on serving others in their journeys towards consciousness, awareness and healing. Since 2012 she has been working full-time as a yoga teacher and holistic therapist, based in Leicester. She combines her teaching of Kundalini Yoga (which she’s been doing since 2008) with serving new teachers in KY teacher training programs, teaching pregnancy, postnatal and baby yoga, and postnatal doulaing. She combines this with offering Closing the Bones ceremonies and yogic massages as well as training others in both CtB and yogic massages, with working as a health & nutrition coach and a life & yoga coach, and finally with her work as an aromatherapist (with her own line of organic homemade skincare and organic natural cleaning products).
Find out more about Japjeet on her website
Japjeet facilitates the Closing the bones and Deeper into Closing the bones worskshops
Teddy Brookes
Teddy decided to become an osteopath after experiencing the amazing healing effects of osteopathy following a sports injury as a teenager. He graduated from the prestigious British School of Osteopathy with a Masters degree in 2010 and has worked in private practice since. His thirst for learning has led him to master an unusually broad range of osteopathic techniques, and he uses a combination of old and newer techniques including structural, visceral and cranial approaches. What sets Teddy apart is his holistic and intuitive style of treatment. He does not use a prescriptive set of techniques. His approach is entirely bespoke to each individual and treats the person rather than just the condition. Teddy provides very effective treatments, and aims to work himself out of a job, empowering his patients to fully understand their diagnosis and do movements and exercises which help prevent their conditions from reoccurring.
Find out more about Teddy on his website
Teddy co-facilitates the Postnatal Recovery Massage Workshop with Sophie Messager